Thursday, January 1, 2015

Apatot -Noni Morinda citrifolia Linn.- INDIAN MULBERRY -Hai ba ji

Morinda citrifolia Linn.
Hai ba ji
Fruit is edible, but not great tasting, raw or cooked, salted or curried.
Fruit occasionally used as pig feed.
Fruit is used as emmenagogue.
Leaves, when fresh, applied to ulcers, facilitates healing.
Heated leave applied to the chest for coughs, nausea, colic, fever.
Decoction of charred leaves with mustard for infantile diarrhea.
Juice of over-ripe fruit used for diabetes.
Juice of fruit pulp, mashed with sugar, is slightly laxative.
Syrup of fruit juice used as a gargle for sore throats.
Leaves, fruit, flowers or bark used for eye problems, wounds, abscesses, fever, constipation.
Leaf juice used for arthritis.
In Polynesian traditional medicine, used for anticancer activity.
Pulp of fruit used for cleaning hair, iron, or steel.
Young leaves may be eaten as vegetable.
Tonic drink is prepared from decoction of pounded leaves and stem bark.
Bark produces a reddish purple to brown dye used in batik making.
Noni rage
Briefly ruled as a herbal dietary supplement snake oil cure-all (Noni Juice or as a morinda capsule supplement ) claiming a wide range of therapeutic effects: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, analgesic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, and immune enhancing effects among many others.

• Antioxidant / Anticancer: Study suggest the prevention of carcinogen-DNA adduct formation and the antioxidant activity from commercial juice made from M citrifolia fruit may contribute to the cancer preventive effect of M citrifolia.
• Nitric Oxide Scavenging Activity: Study of plant extracts of 17 Indian medicinal plants, M citrifolia was third in potency of dose-dependent nitric-oxide scavenging activity.
• Herbal Hepatotoxicity / Case Report: Report of a case of hepatotoxicity from a three-week history of drinking Noni juice. Pathology was confirmed by liverf biopsy. Transaminase levels normalized within a month.
• Antispasmodic / Vasodilator Activities: Results suggest the spasmolytic and vasodilator effects of Moringa citrifolia are mediated possibly through blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels and release of intracellular calcium – mechanisms that may explain its use in diarrhea and hypertension.
• Analgesic: Study suggests the alcoholic extract of fruits of Moringa citrifolia appears to have an analgesic effect. Morphine sulfate was the reference drug.
• Wound Healing / Antioxidant: Study showed antioxidant and wound healing activities: increase in wound contraction rate, tensile strength, granuloma breaking strength, collagen content and hydroxyproling content.
• Antiviral / Cytotoxicity: Study of fruit juice of M citrifolia displayed marked cytotoxicity in lymphocyte (MT-4) cells and inhibition of HCV subgenomic replicon replication in Huh 5-2 cells.
• Apoptosis-Inducing Effects/ Cytotoxicity: Results showed an anti-growth effect from induction of apoptosis. Study showed noni may be useful in the treatment of breast cancer either on its own or in combination with doxorubicin.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard a lot about Noni. So I started consuming a daily glass of Organic Noni Juice and it helped me to lose 5kg of weight in just 5 weeks without needing me to do tiring and sweat shedding exercises. I give this fruit juice 5 stars!
